1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | select max(case when A.WIN_NO = 1 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_1, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 2 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_2, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 3 and A.CNT < 10 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_3, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 4 and A.CNT < 10 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_4, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 5 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_5, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 6 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_6, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 7 and A.CNT < 10 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_7, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 8 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_8, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 9 and A.CNT < 10 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_9, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 10 and A.CNT < 30 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_10, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 11 and A.CNT < 1 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_11, max(case when A.WIN_NO = 12 and A.CNT < 10 then A.CNT else null end) WIN_NO_12 from (select WIN_NO, count(WIN_NO) CNT from TBL_EVENT_MARBLE group by WIN_NO ) a select WIN_NO from (select WIN_NO, count(WIN_NO) cnt from TBL_EVENT_MARBLE group by WIN_NO ) where cnt < (case when WIN_NO = 1 or WIN_NO = 2 or WIN_NO = 5 or WIN_NO = 6 or WIN_NO = 8 or WIN_NO = 10 then 30 when WIN_NO = 3 or WIN_NO = 4 or WIN_NO = 7 or WIN_NO = 9 or WIN_NO = 12 then 10 when WIN_NO = 11 then 1 else null end ) | cs |
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