
[SAP] netweaver 설치중 An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhanc... 오류발생시

지승준 2016. 7. 21. 17:15

An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 3 > SAP Application Server ABAP > MaxDB > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step: The database installer reported an error. DIAGNOSIS: Some database applications might still be running. SOLUTION: Check the log file sdbinst.log and C:\sapdb\data\wrk\MaxDBRuntimeForSAPAS_install_ _ .log.). You can now:

Choose Retry to repeat the current step.

Choose Log Files to get more information about the error.

Stop the option and continue with it later.

Log files are written to C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW703/AS-ABAP/ADA/CENTRAL/.


cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers

mklink /d etc C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc